
‘Face to face’

March 1st – 31st 2016

The evolution of the portrait over 100 years, 1916-2016.



‘Drawing from Two Collections’

Saturday and Sunday – November 28th-29th, 2015

On view and for sale drawings and studies, showcasing the first thoughts, ideas and technical skills of the artist, before a brush has been laid on the canvas.


Then and Now Exhibition Opening


April 16th – May 6th 2015

‘Then and Now’ explores Irish art alongside European and American art from 200 years ago until now. The exhibition looks at the changing style of art from its native roots to the nomadic, crossover style of today.



Scenes from the DARTExhibition

Scenes from the DART

May 1st-31st 2015

Drawings by Desmond McCarthy of famous Irish landmarks along the route of the DART



art-source-2014Art Fair

Art Source 2014 14th-16th November 2014 RDS Dublin